small spaces at home: try a painting or photograph gallery
images, from top: david netto design; southern accents via style court; marie claire maison.
PS: confession-- as much as I love clusters of paintings or ordered groupings of photos, I am a bit of a perfectionist and thus take a verrrry lonnnng time in putting up art in the house. This time around I'm thinking of starting small, doing a gallery of my brother's amazing b& w photographs [H*A*P*P*Y B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y, JAMIE!] from top to bottom of one wall in our 'thirties b & w tile bathroom. Would welcome thoughts or suggestions! xx p
Labels: at home, new home, painting, photography
Black and white photos in a black and white bathroom sounds amazing (and classy.) I would just make sure to add a little bit of color in - a hot pink hand towel perhaps? A vase with some flowers, kelly green soap dish, or red bath mat? Just a very few accessories in one color (and the great thing is with black and white it could be any color in the world) to move your eye around a little. Make sure to post pictures when you're done.
elizabeth, i definitely take your point-- and will post pictures for sure! xp
I loved the gray wall in the second picture!
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